
%0 Conference Proceedings
%4 sid.inpe.br/mtc-m17@80/2006/
%2 sid.inpe.br/mtc-m17@80/2006/
%F self-archiving-INPE-MCTIC-GOV-BR
%T BRAVO (BRazilian Astrophysical Virtual Observatory) - datamining development
%D 2006
%A Carvalho, Reinaldo Ramos de,
%A Capelato, Hugo Vicente,
%A Campos Velho, Haroldo Fraga de,
%@affiliation Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)
%@affiliation Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)
%@affiliation Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)
%B IAU General Assembly, 26 : The Virtual Observatory in action: new science, new technology, and next generation facilities
%C Prague
%8 17-18 Aug.
%S Proceedings
%X The primary goal of the BRAVO project is to generate investment in information technology, with particular emphasis on datamining and statistical analysis. From a scientific standpoint, the participants assembled to date are engaged in several scientific projects in various fields of cosmology, astrophysics, and data analysis, with significant contributions from international partners. These scientists conduct research on clusters of galaxies, small groups of galaxies, elliptical galaxies, population synthesis, N-body simulations, and a variety of studies in stellar astrophysics. One of the main aspects of this project is the incorporation of these disparate areas of astrophysical research within the context of the coherent development of database technology. Observational cosmology is one of the branches of science experiencing the largest growth in the past few decades. Large photometric and spectroscopic surveys have been carried out in both hemispheres. As a result, an extraordinary amount of data in all portions of the electromagnetic spectrum exists, but without standard techniques for storage and distribution. This project will utilize several specific astronomical databases, created to store data generated by several instruments (including SOAR, Gemini, BDA, etc), uniting them within a common framework and with standard interfaces. We are inviting members of the entire Brazilian astronomical community (detailed in the list of participants) to partake in this effort that aims to standardize analytical techniques, which will enable data access and analysis with common tools. This will certainly impact both education and outreach efforts, as well as the future development of astrophysical research. Finally, this project will provide a constant investment in human resources. First, it will do so by stimulating ongoing short technical visits to Johns Hopkins University and Caltech. These will allow us to bring software technology and expertise in datamining back to Brazil. Second, we will organize the Summer School on Software Technology in Astrophysics, which will be designed to ensure that the Brazilian scientific community can take full advantage of the benefits offered by the VO project.
%@language en
%3 carvalho_bravo2.pdf
